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The Tourist Initiative Centers (CIT) are non-profit associations, declared Public Interest Entities, and since 1935 they have tried to publicize the town and the tourist area of ​​their scope of action. The idea of ​​creating a CIT arose in Atapuerca more than ten years ago, but it is in October 2018, when the project is part of a team of people who have decided to take a firm step since they understand that culture and tourism are tools of Effective social transformation to improve the territory, which is why the "Sierra de Atapuerca Tourism Initiatives Center" was created for;

  • Initiatives to promote and develop tourism services.
  • Welcome and inform visitors.
  • Generate new business opportunities for its associates and improve social impact.
  • Carry out an adequate promotion to publicize the tourist and cultural attractions of the Sierra de Atapuerca.
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It also tries to stimulate all kinds of cultural, artistic, and tourist-interest activities, so that they allow for increased distraction and enjoyment of free time for groups, pilgrims, visitors and tourists.

In Spain there have been CIT for more than 100 years, in all areas of tourist interest, not being to date in Atapuerca its start-up and operation, participating and promoting rural development, launching promotional actions and initiatives for the tourism sector.


The CIT Sierra de Atapuerca is a means of participation open to concerns, proposals and ideas, because we believe that collaborative work benefits rural development, providing our partners with guidance and institutional information of maximum interest for their business (grants, scholarships, fairs, tenders, calls, etc.), in addition to collaborating in the preparation of applications, procedures, projects and reports for their success, in this way we feel we are protagonists and participants in the social development of the rural environment, open to the participation of public administrations and groups private.


The Sierra de Atapuerca Tourism Initiatives Center has its headquarters in Plaza Pablo García Virumbrales s / n, in the municipal schools building, a space of the Hon. Atapuerca City Council in which young people from the Volunteer Camp of the Youth Institute of the Junta de Castilla y León have collaborated, to put it into operation, in order to use it for the promotion and dissemination of the town and its surroundings.


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CIT Sierra de Atapuerca

Plaza Pablo García Virumbrales, s / n

09199 - Atapuerca (Burgos)


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© March 16, 2021

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