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The Sierra de Atapuerca Tourist Initiatives Center is a commitment to tourism and rural development for the Sierra de Atapuerca, being officially recognized by the Junta de Castilla y León, it has a tourist information office and the Batalla de Atapuerca.


Two World Heritage Sites, the " Atapuerca Sites " and the "Camino de Santiago", a Festival of Tourist Interest in Castilla y León, " La Batalla de Atapuerca ", recognition as "First Cultural Space of Castilla y León", the “Humedales de Atapuerca”, the “ Mina Esperanza ” or the “ International Cross of Atapuerca , among others, make this environment a privileged place and a unique tourist experience.


The Junta de Castilla y León for the protection and revitalization of the Sierra de Atapuerca recognized as the first cultural Space of Castilla y León and for its international recognition the " Plan for the Adaptation and Uses of the Cultural Space of the Sierra de Atapuerca ", you can download HERE information and documentation.

The CIT Sierra de Atapuerca belongs to the Federation of Tourist Initiatives Centers of Castilla y León and is registered in the provincial tourism brand " Burgos, Origin and Destination ".


The Strategic Tourism Plan for Castilla y León 2019-2023 establishes a set of common objectives that contribute to improving the competitiveness of the tourism sector in the region, including as a fundamental part the Centers for Tourism Initiatives. The Plan is specified in a series of defined programs and actions. And all this, with a vision of continuity and coherence with respect to the policy and efforts made so far in tourism.

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CIT Sierra de Atapuerca

Plaza Pablo García Virumbrales, s / n

09199 - Atapuerca (Burgos)


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© March 16, 2021

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