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The Sierra de Atapuerca has one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, since the information provided by the numerous findings on the flora, fauna, climate and behavior of the different species of hominids that occupied the region throughout a million years, is forcing to rewrite the current hypotheses about human evolution, achieving the largest world fossil record of the Middle Pleistocene or discovering a new species of hominid, the Homo Ancestor. The Atapuerca Sites are declared a " World Heritage Site ". Next to Atapuerca, a prehistoric town has been recreated, with its cabins and funerary monuments, which can be seen from the inside. Learning to hunt by shooting with a bow, arrow or spear and knowing the steps to make fire, transport the visitor to an ancient world. Visits to the Archaeological Sites and the Experimental Archeology Center are made with prior reservation at: Tel .: 902.024.246. and 947,421,000. and .


Atapuerca is a town in the province of Burgos, located 17 km from the capital of the province. Located at an altitude of 966 m. above sea level, its winters are very cold and humid and its summers are mild. Doña Urraca donated the town of Atapuerca to the Military Order of the Hospital de San Juan de Jerusalem, whose members cared carefully for sick pilgrims. Alfonso VII confirmed this donation in the year 1138. To cross the swampy area before reaching Atapuerca, the Saint Ortega engineer built a road of which remains are still preserved.
The Camino de Santiago declared " World Heritage Site ", has different assets in the town, highlighting the Atapuerca Schools complex, which was built in 1932 thanks to the donation of Pablo García Virumbrales. It functioned as a school until 1976 and today it houses different municipal services (City Hall, Center for Tourism Initiatives, association center, assembly hall ...).
The Church of San Martín dates from the 15th and 16th centuries, mixing Gothic and Renaissance styles and altarpieces of baroque, neoclassical and counter-reformist styles. In addition, the town has other heritage sites such as the Hospital de San Juan, Fuente del Cubillo and Barrigüelo, La Fragua and el Potro.

On the penultimate weekend of August the neighbors and friends of the town of Atapuerca represent a historical event, which happened on September 1, 1054, the Battle of Atapuerca, between the kings, and brothers, Fernando I, Rey de León and Count of Castile, and García III, King of Pamplona. Atapuerca was in the territorial limits between Pamplona and León. The victory of Fernando I constituted the first foundation for the birth of the kingdom of Castile. The Junta de Castilla y León in order CYT / 233/2017, of March 21, declares the "Battle of Atapuerca" Festival of Tourist Interest of Castilla y León , and due to its technical, historical and cultural characteristics registered as Intangible Cultural Heritage. More information:

In the Atapuerca jurisdiction of 1138, there is already talk of the Prado de Las Lagunas and Las Saperas. In 2006, the Duero Hydrographic Confederation carried out the recovery work for Las Lagunas following the initiative of the Municipality of the Municipality. In 2008 the work was completed and in 2009 a green filter was built to purify the town's wastewater, then pouring it into the Lagoons. This wetland is made up of four natural lagoons and a fifth artificial one, from where the clay with which the dams that regulate them were made was stolen, and which was left unfenced for the use and enjoyment of the population. The surface is 16 hectares of water with different depths in each lagoon, where there is great ornithological wealth, the Atapuerca City Council having requested a protection measure from the Council of the Environment of the Junta de Castilla y León. environmental.



In addition, the Sierra de Atapuerca has a network of routes and itineraries of high environmental and architectural interest (fountains, rack, forge, laundry, mill, slaughterhouse ...).

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CIT Sierra de Atapuerca

Plaza Pablo García Virumbrales, s / n

09199 - Atapuerca (Burgos)


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© March 16, 2021

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